Where can I learn Quran with Tajweed online?

 Where can I learn Quran with Tajweed online?

This course is specially designed for students who already completed the Quran Reading Course. And for this course, students can read the Quran but want to improve their tajweed skills for recitation.

This course will provide you the best practice to enhance your confidence while applying tajweed rules taught by our tutors in the primary level courses. One of the main principles of tajweed rules is repetition and a lot of practice for Quran reading. All Basic Tajweed rules will be covered along with reading practice throughout our main Quran courses.

Teaching Methodology For Quran Recitation With Tajweed

  • Our teacher takes a test and evaluate from where we have to start with our students. If the pronunciation is correct then student can start form Quran otherwise we have to make sure to correct the pronunciation of every student.
  • The course starts form the book of Arabic alphabets also known as Noraini Qaida in most parts of the world. Our teachers will teach you how to pronounce and which part of your throat and mouth are used to make the perfect sound of a particular alphabet.
  • Teachers will use various types of colors to highlight the difference between letters.
  • After learning basic tarweed of each letter. Teachers will further take you to learn how to make words with these letters.
  • All these words will then make you able to recite Quran with proper tarweed.
  • After all the basics covered we will teach you proper recitation of Quran with surah by surah, ayah by ayah.
  • Weekly and Monthly reports will be sent to guardians.

Best Time To Learn To Read The Quran With Tajweed

Tajweed is the practice of reciting the Quran aloud in an even tone of voice, and it’s important to follow its rules. The main purpose of tajweed is to help the reader understand the meaning of the Quran. Tajweed helps the reader understand the words, phrases, and sentences while reading. It is done to make the Quranic text easier to comprehend and memorize.

While many Muslims may agree that Tajweed is important, there are some who say that learning it comes with too many problems. There are those who say that the Quran is meant to be read and not studied and that learning it is a waste of time. But the Prophet Muhammad said that “a man cannot attain perfection without Tajweed,” and “to know the Quran with Tajweed is better than knowing it without it.” 

What Are The Advantages Of Learning To Read the Quran With Tajweed?

There are many advantages to learning to read Quran with Tajweed and using Tajweed is the best way to follow the correct pronunciation of the Quran and improve your reading skills. To begin with, learning to read Quran with Tajweed gives you a greater understanding of the Arabic language and helps you to improve your Arabic grammar.

Tajweed can help you to memorize the Quran quickly and is very easy to learn. Learning Tajweed is the easiest way to learn the correct pronunciation of Arabic words and phrases because it makes it easier for you to memorize the Quran.

Tajweed helps you to remember the meaning of Arabic words and makes it easier for you to understand and follow the Quran. You will learn to read the Quran more accurately and correctly. Tajweed helps you to learn Quran by heart. 


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